How much is Hastings thriving? Check out the Thriving Places Index here.

Commentators and observers of social phenomena are pushing to redefine and re-evaluate the indexes which have been used to represent the rankings of several aspects of our society. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) rankings are being challenged by more inclusive and less cash-based definitions such as the Common Good Balance Sheet set up by the ‘Economy for the Common Good’ movement. These new definitions tend to stress the importance of the inclusion of the environment, and the ethics behind the economy in question.

In a similar vein, the ‘Thriving Places Index’ (TPI) now offers a way of ranking local authorities, not just by cash generated, but by considering important aspects such as Education, Mental and Physical well-being, Environment, Sustainability, Community cohesion and Equality.

In the words of the founders of the ‘Thriving Places Index’ (TPI);

“The TPI scores 373 local authorities across England and Wales on how well they’re doing at creating the conditions for people to thrive This year, we have strengthened the sustainability and equality domains to underline the vital importance of delivering the conditions for wellbeing in a way that challenges current power imbalances and recognises the rights of future generations.

In addition the TPI is now available for all upper and second tier local authorities in England AND Wales – a growth of 217% coverage from 2018 (172 to 373 LA areas) – painting a more detailed picture of how the UK is growing places for citizens to thrive. “

You can check out the TPI for any region in England or Wales here