Do you have a big sustainable idea? Need help setting up an innovative community business?

Sign up for peer mentoring by 15 March and get help from established community energy pioneers and innovators around the country. 

Energise Sussex Coast are one of ten UK wide mentoring organisations supported by the Next Generation Power 2 Change fund, in partnership with Co-ops UK, Co-operative Futures and the Centre for Sustainable Energy. The list of mentors includes Brighton Energy Co-op, Bath & West Community Energy, the Hockerton Housing project, The carbon Co-op in Manchester and Brighton and Hove Energy Services Co-op. 

ESC Director Richard Watson says

“We could have lots more co-ops and innovative community businesses leading the transition to a low carbon future in Eastbourne, Rother and Hastings. New business models are out there to be shared and the nice thing about working with other co-ops is that we really like co-operating, and that’s the only way things will change on the scale they need to”.  

You will find a great selection of startup videos on the Next Generation website. These include setting up and managing a co-op. The site showcases innovative schemes from across the country.

Community solar: 
Innovation ( 10 videos):  
Learning – lots of really good introductory videos and innovation lab webinars here:

If you want to start a community EV car club, an e-bike or local electricity sharing scheme, or set up a community housing project, a community heat network, a peer to peer energy trading scheme, a local waste and recycling project, or even pioneer new ways of tackling income inequality and climate injustice,  this is the place to start. 

Image credit: Photo by “My Life Through A Lens” on Unsplash